Bookmans has rescheduled their Drag Queen Story Hour! You can go to the Bookman’s website for all the info. They are holding this event at a secret location in the Catalina Foothills area THIS Sunday, July 16th, sometime in the afternoon. Details on the event will be given the day before to people who have registered for the event. They made it clear that preferential seating will be given to children to make sure adults can’t show up and take up seats to get in the way. Once again, it is an event open to everyone of all ages with children being the target audience.
Bookmans is committed to allowing men dressed in women’s clothing to dance and sing and read books to children while exploring sexual themes with children and providing a “queer” influence in their life. Bookmans is committed to grooming our children and it is pure evil. It has always been society’s job to protect children, and this is one of those moments in time to take a stand. We made it very clear that if Bookmans re-scheduled their Drag Queen Story Hour, we would reschedule our protest. So it’s on!
Given their attempt to keep this event secret from the public, we’ve decided to short-circuit that and focus on the source of the problem - Bookmans.
We hope you will join us on Sunday afternoon, July 16th, from 2-4pm on Ina and Thornydale to protest Bookmans. We hope that so many people will show up that Bookmans, and every organization that wants to sexualize our children, will get the message that this is not okay, and they need to
We’ll put together protest signs on Friday, July 14th at The Bridge Christian Church in the main auditorium at 10am. Supplies will be provided.
We’ll protest on the corner of Ina and Thornydale in front of CVS and along the road. Bring sunblock, chairs, and water!
We’ll bring the signs! This Sunday, 2 - 4pm.
Childcare for the protest will be provided in the BCC nursery from 1:45pm–4:15pm.
Please sign up for this at the Resource Center.
The Bridge Christian Church